Style after A Mastectomy

Style after A Mastectomy

Hi there , Let me introduce myself to all you lovely people who are taking the time to reed my blog,

My name is Melanie and back in 2017 at the age of 39 I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.

This came as a complete shock as we have no family history of breast cancer, I was young and my youngest child had just turned 3.

I under went a full skin saving mastectomy with instant implant, 17 lymphs were removed and 15 of them had cancer cells in them so I had to have 6 rounds of chemo and 6 weeks of radiotherapy.

This was the hardest journey especially with two young children. I made the decision not to tell the children what was going on as I couldn't face breaking their little hearts, This also helped me stay strong and have time where cancer wasn't spoken about.

5 years on and I have created my own line of mastectomy swimwear designed more for the younger lady who has been affected by breast cancer and who wants to still keep up with the current trends.

I will be blogging about fashion after mastectomies and the struggles us women are faced with when shopping and our body concerns 

lovely to meet you all 

much love 



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